“I just couldn’t wait to be 16 years old. And when I was 16, I wanted to be 20 already. But now I am 18, and I wish I was 16 again.” I remember passing this comment to my naive self when time (age) seemed to have disappointed me. I used to think there was a fixed body stature and social exposure that accompanied certain ages, such as being in your 20s. I thought one gets all round and falls into shape by a specific age. But I was wrong. Ignorance! Age is just a number and the outcome of growing older by the years is as a result of one’s intentional efforts to mature while aging, identifying one’s purpose in time, and by being a responsible person. Had I not come to this realization earlier, time would have passed me by. However, I do not call the ages I wallowed in ignorance a waste. The clarity now is the light I am.
Whoever said, “time will tell,” convincingly had something to reveal, uncover, or bring forth. I’ve figured.
Time is a companion on this journey of life. As the clock ticks, time happens. This moment right now, the days you refer to as your past, and the future you look forward to, are all tied to time. As seconds turn into minutes, and minutes into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, time happens.
The most popular phrases associated with time we often use or hear are, “leave it to time, when the time is due, time and time again, give me some time, times change, it’s a matter of time.” The motivation behind such utterances points to something in the womb of time. That is to say, that which cannot be seen or made known now but will be established in a certain period, the future.
I know of six young men who were successfully employed on the same job, lived in different places, but spent their money on almost the same things unless there was more to them I didn’t know. It happened that three of them got promoted and had to be transferred to different countries, two quitted and ventured into other businesses, and one was sacked from the job. You can only imagine the aftermath of that one person.
I know of a young lady who wanted to become a nurse. As a requirement, she had to spend two years in nursing training or pursue a degree program for four years at a university. To be qualified and recognized as a nurse, she had to pass a licensure exam and undergo a one-year national service or rotation to be granted a license to practice nursing. I also know of many young ladies in this same regard who have spent seven years already, hoping to pass the licensure exams but to no avail. Some have given up and ventured into other fields, while others continue to write the licensure exam annually, with hopes of making it through someday.
There is this young lady who had to spend three years at home to rewrite her failed courses from SHS, which were a stumbling block to her aspiration to be a midwife. Though intimidated by the progress of her other friends, she kept her faith and patience to weather the storm. After the wait and delay, as others may see it, she is now happily in the field and doing exceptionally well.
Then comes the tale of this young man who aspires to be an international lecturer in theology, a transformational coach, a counselor to presidents and nations, and an author of about 200 books and more. He says he wants to be a man of God with multi-billion-dollar companies thriving as a Kingdom financier. Currently, he is a banker who has been working for the past ten years. He has studied and acquired different certifications in various fields such as theology, biblical studies, public relations, advertising and marketing, computing, and secretarial studies. He has completed several courses in professional and pastoral coaching and is an author of about eight books. He concludes his story by saying, “I’m still laying the foundations and learning as well.”
Not forgetting to mention the few who in one way or another, couldn’t make it to occupy the offices and jobs they so much toiled and studied for. With time, some are noted for their breakthroughs in other fields where they never thought they could be or never anticipated. Others have given up and are wherever they deem comfortable, while others are still struggling, engaging in menial jobs to keep them going with hopes of realizing their dreams someway somehow.
Others met their untimely deaths along the way, some had accidents which rendered them physically challenged, while some are left in despair. Some have given up on their dreams, but you and I are here, healthy and strong, still going and growing stronger and stronger…
You have life. You have hope, atleast. You are healthy. Still holding on and working towards a goal.
From the above narrations, we can learn that time cannot be faked. It does not necessarily dance to your tune but it sure is a respecter of actions and inputs and a rewarder of efforts.
Time is whenever you ascribe it to be. Now. Later. Today. Future.
Time is who you become, but until then, who are you now? What efforts are you making towards your becoming in the present?
Time flies, but you are the pilot.
What are you doing with your now? What investments are you making?
Well, if you say time will tell and you have nothing going on now, what then will time deliver you?
Nothing happens without a cause.
Time is so kind we shall all have our seasons.
It will deliver all the efforts you are sowing. Don’t be intimidated by the progress of others; hold on firmly and keep on keeping on.
As I said early on, time is a respecter of efforts.
TIME will surely tell who YOU become. Your time will COME. When it DOES, what will BECOME of you?
Abena Smiling
(This is a writing from 2020 during TimeIn5Chapters.)