The fact that you have failed over and over again is not a guarantee that you will succeed, though you may succeed in oneway or the other if you do not give up. Just because you are struggling today, doesn’t mean you will make it tomorrow. Sometimes, it is not even about what you know and can do that puts you up there. It may not always be what you assume it should be. You may have many doubts and questions, but like an examiner of life, time has the answers and will reveal what is, come what may.
Here are classes of people who are likely to be favored by time, in no particular order:
The PREPARED – Oprah Winfrey said, “Doing the best thing at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” Those who have set themselves up for where they want to be or go to, are mentioned and recommended in these places when that opportunity or vacancy comes. I have said this before and I will say it again: it is better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to meet an opportunity and not be prepared. The key to maximizing opportunities is preparing ahead for the opportunity.
The AVAILABLE – Your breakthrough does not happen in your absence, but in your presence. There have been many instances where the skilled and talented have missed opportunities which the available benefited from. I have seen many people rise up to power and occupy offices and positions they never anticipated or prepared for. But when the opportunity came, their availability and teachability made them. Sometimes, you may be skilled and talented, but not available. You may be prepared and have the requisites but will be missing from the scenes where you will be needed. Do not leave the scenes yet. Do not stop when it doesn’t work yet. Keep going. Keep trying. Keep showing up. Even with one to zero likes, keep putting yourself out there. Open up to new opportunities and new adventures. Learn on the go. And make sure, when TIME happens, it doesn’t pass you by.
The HOPEFUL – I overheard a woman on the street say to her young one that, “whenever I see an empty container, I fill it with hope. That way, the container gets full” when her attention was drawn to the fact that they had nothing to eat for that night. She further explained that, this hope is what keeps her going knowing she has something to hold on to. The hopeful is one who is self disciplined, understanding, and is patient while they keep putting in the necessary work and anticipating their breakthrough. You never know what the next moment holds, so you don’t stop where you are. You keep going. Just so you know, what you are looking for is also looking for you.
My cousin shared a concern that, we should journey FAITH-full instead of being HOPE-full. His reason being that, faith makes tangible our expectations though one may not see them in the present moment, but when we don’t give up, our faith walks us to our expectations and desires. He says HOPE-FULL is a probability but FAITH-FULL is a certainty where if you do not get your exact expectations, you are likely to receive or attain something which wouldn’t be short of your expectation.
GRACE – The same qualification that gave you a job is the same qualification that someone has and even better but is unemployed. The same road that you use everyday is the same road that has killed many. GRACE SIMPLY MEANS GRACE. When your time comes, everything will gracefully fall into place and order for you. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare or be available when your time comes.
I can make mention of the GO – GETTER. A wise man once said, good things come to those who wait. But better things come to those who go out and get them. Those who do not wait for opportunities or whatever will be will be. They pursue what they want in all diligence. These people will build or create something on their own for the time being to get them going till TIME favors them.
The UNDERSTANDING could not be left out. Delay is not denial. Sometimes, you have to know when to come out or when to launch a product. When to introduce an activity and which stage to stand on. Know who to compete with, how to compete, where to compete, and why to compete. Know what to give in to and what not to give in to. Be intentional about your TIME! Caution, that doesn’t mean do not take risks or take chances when they happen. TIME is for all. Know your season and wait for your turn. Do well to manifest mightily when it comes.
Let’s stop believing that time will favor us while we sit and do nothing. Time does not change anything, it only reveals everything.
It takes handwork, perseverance, expertise, and consistency.
But until time reveals, today is the only time that matters. Be present. Start living in the right now. There isn’t a day to lose, be wise. Take a step!
Keep watering your seeds. Stop overthinking. Have patience. Keep going. Keep showing up. One day at a time. Keep investing and developing your mind and by acquiring new skills. Keep pursuing God’s will for your life. Keep being strong, resilient, and powerful. Keep dreaming! Keep working harder and harder. Continue to master each step after you have failed. Live! Live!! and Live again!!!
Study to show thyself approved. Keep praying! Keep exercising. Keep saving. Continue doing your part while trusting and believing God to deliver.
Keep your faith! Faith it! Be kinder and more thoughtful of others. Keep building and expanding your relationships and networks. Keep your focus on the focus. Keep on keeping on. Keep up with doing all that you can . Keep doing good.
Never compare yourself to others. Show yourself grace. Appreciate yourself. Embrace your journey. You are unique. Continue your walk with God.
TIME is really exciting, are you READY? Till then, don’t GIVE UP!
Without doubts undoubtedly, what will be will be. But it will be as a result of what you do or do not.
Whatever you give to time, time will give back to you.
Do not be perturbed. Your time will come. You should have something worthwhile to deliver when it does.
Which of these classes do you belong to? And which other classes of people do you think time will favor?
(From TimeIn5Chapters, 2020, Chapter Two.)