Let’s look at the example below and apply the SMART goal setting framework.
Example: Goal 2: Expand and Elevate the Smiling Hour website
- Specific: Write and publish content that positions Smiling Hour as a hub for personal growth and youth empowerment.
- Measurable: Publish two articles per month, totaling 24 articles by the end of the year. This will also feed into the Instagram page.
- Achievable: Allocate one day every two weeks to draft, edit, and finalize articles.
- Relevant: Enhances my brand’s credibility and aligns with my mission of nurturing the desire for personal and social development.
- Time-bound: Double website traffic and engagement metrics (e.g., page views, comments) by December 2025.
Your Turn
In the space below, write a SMART goal statement for the goal stated above.
Example: I will write and publish content that positions Smiling Hour as a hub for personal growth and youth empowerment, by publishing two articles per month, totaling 24 articles by the end of the year. This will also feed into the Instagram page. I will do this by allocating one day every two weeks to draft, edit, and finalize articles. This will enhance my brand’s credibility and align with my mission of nurturing the desire for personal and social development while doubling website traffic and engagement metrics (e.g., page views, comments) by December 2025.
Your Turn!